Sorry, Your Business is Most Likely NOT Sellable As It Exists Today…

You want to sell your business but you realize that you must first make some changes so that your business

  • Runs on systems
  • Is increasingly profitable, and
  • The revenue is predictable and growing.


The Alpha Profit Acceleration System

Step 1: Your Introduction to Our “Magic”
Let’s start with a conversation – just 45 minutes. If we can’t show you how to quickly and dynamically increase profits by 20% or more, then we’re likely not a good match for each other. No pressure. Just OUTRAGEOUS value.


Step 2: The Profit Assessment & Strategic Acceleration Plan

Use our system and investigative process and you’ll discover:


  • The exact actions you need to take to optimize your profits and get your business ready for sale,
  • The order of implementation and the logical reason,
  • The expected financial impact of each action.


Step 3: We Roll Up Our Sleeves … and Get to Work!

Your Return On Investment potential from consulting must be at least 100% before we will engage with you. You will have to see clearly that we have essentially moved the burden of risk from your shoulders.

We come along side of you and we help you implement.

We give you the road map.

We show you the steps to take.

And we make the steps easy.

Not only will you see increased profits but you’ll develop the key performance indicators (KPIs), systems, processes, and procedures so that your business becomes sellable.

Perhaps you’ll enjoy again the business you’ve worked so hard to build and you’ll even want to stay in it.

At that point, the choice will be yours.

To get started, go to